
Þrjú ný Erasmus+ verkefni

Hvern hefði grunað að námskeiðið okkar í Borgarnesi í mars 2020 yrði það síðasta í svona langan tíma? Okkur grunaði það sannarlega ekki. Við gátum þó boðið upp á nokkur námskeið á netinu, en það er nýtt fyrir okkur hjá ICI að bjóða upp á slíkt en þeim var vel tekið af þeim sem tóku þátt. Nú þegar Ísland er að opnast aftur og margir evrópskir kennarar fullbólusettir sýnist okkur þátttakan ætla að verða meiri en nokkru sinni.

í öðrum fréttum er það helst að við erum nú þátttakendur í þremur nýmum Erasmus+ verkefnum sem við munum leggja okkar af mörkum og læra af.

Upplýsingar um verkefnin eru hér fyrir neðan á ensku:

International Teachers for Tomorrows Schools (ITTS) is a project led by the University of Bielefeld with partners from University of Leven, Belgium, Panepistimio Aigaiou, Greece, University of Mariboru, Slovenia, Izmir University, Turkey and Akademia Pomorsk, Poland and ICI.  The aim of the project is to provide support for sustainable integration and inclusion of teachers with a refugee background in schools.  The early stages of the project include transnational stocktaking with a survey which is currently under test stage.  This will inform the materials that will be produced to support the aim and have four target groups: Teachers with refugee background and international teachers, Teachers, mentors and principals of schools, Teacher training students and lecturers in teacher training at universities.   ICIs key role will be to provide training to the partners to ensure that Intercultural considerations underpin the project content and direction.

You can find the project fb link here

Practical Skills with Digital Technologies in Teacher Education (D Eva) led by the University of Barcelona with partners from Stichting Hogeschool Van Amsterdam, University of Timisoara and ICI.   This project has a focus the pillars of People; Organisatons; Interactions; Resources and Digital Gap.  It seeks to support innovative assessment practice in teacher training and support educators and leaders to improve skills and bridge gaps in assessment practice for both students and academics in Higher Education.  E assessment resources will be developed to secure authentic, sustainable and effective student assessment of work and build technical capacity to use e assessment in a coherent way.  Importantly it aims to equip universities with mechanisms to make positive changes and organically incorporate digital solutions. ICIs key role here will also be to provide training for the partners with main focus on creative assessment methods for diverse groups of learners.

The third project is called Nurturing Creativity in Education but this project is just starting and we will share more information about it soon

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