About us

ICI OID number: E10071557

InterCultural Iceland is a non-profit consortium which develops innovative educational initiatives and offers a broad spectrum of multi-disciplinary expertise and training activities. It was founded in 2003 in Reykjavík Iceland..

The main aims of ICI are:

· To work against any kind of prejudice and discrimination by purposeful consultation and education and by offering practical training courses

· To strengthen the awareness of the advantages of diversity and of migrants as enriching for every society

- To offer practical training courses to in-service teachers and trainers, especially focusing on intercultural education and creative cooperative learning.

ICI has become an important research and training centre at a national and European level on the themes of adult training, new competences and teacher training in intercultural education, co-operative learning for didactics, and for anti racist and sensitization training about migration, prejudice and discrimination.

Today the Centre has an international reputation for excellence in the areas of training for trainers and teachers, Intercultural education, creative cooperative learning in multicultural groups, anti-racist and sensitization training against prejudice and discrimination on a regional and European level. Since 2003 ICI has developed and tried out new methodology and material with different groups of adults in Iceland and Europe. In 2012 ICI received a "QUALITY COURSE PROVISION FOR GRUNDTVIG IST 2012" for a sensitization training course that has been offered in Iceland since 2004 to Comenius and Grudtvig applicants. Now ICI is offering Inservice Training courses through Erasmus+.

For these reasons ICI plays a key role in the field of intercultural education and teacher training on a local and European level, especially for its experience in: cooperative learning, the Complex instruction methodology, active, creative and diverse teaching methods and in the field of anti-racist and anti-discrimination training.

Guðrún Pétursdóttir, the founder and manager of ICI specialized in the field of working against prejudices and racism, as well as specialization in intercultural education. She is the main trainer on all ICI training courses and has offered teachers training both in Iceland and in Europe since 1999 and taught at the Educational department of the University of Iceland for several years. She is the author of the books “Intercultural Education”, 1999,   “Everyone can do something – No one can do everything”, 2003.and "Diverse Society-Diverse Classrooms", 2018.

Guðrún Pétursdóttir is the legal representative of ICI.


Guðrún Pétursdóttir

General Manager

Guðrún is a sociologist, specialized in the field of working against prejudices and racism, as well as specialization in intercultural education. She is the main trainer on all ICI training courses and has offered teachers training both in Iceland and Europe since 1999. She is the author of the books “Intercultural Education”, 1999 and  “Everyone can do something – No one can do everything”, 2003 and Diverse Society-Diverse Classrooms (2018). She is the founder and manager of ICI.

Email: gudrun@ici.is

Cherry Hopton

Teachers Trainer

Cherry is a Sociologist, teacher and teacher trainer. She has worked in both the English and Scottish education system teaching mainly undergraduate students in the subjects sociology and criminology. In recent years she has engaged in a range of European research projects in the area of anti racism, co operative learning and intercultural education. Now she works for ICI, mainly as teachers trainer and as part of our European project team.

Email: cherry@ici.is

Hrefna An Wadden

Administrative Assistant

Hrefna studied psychology in Canada, where she also worked as an office assistant for several years before starting parttime work for ICI. She still lives in Canada and continues to do various administrative work and course preparation for ICI. 

Email: hrefna@ici.is

Sólveig María Thomasdóttir

Administrative Assistant

Sólveig studied psychology in Canada, where she also worked at a homeless shelter. She then worked in a psychiatric ward in Iceland, before starting her work for ICI. She now lives in Berlin, and continues to do various administrative work and course preparation for ICI. 

Email: solveig@ici.is


Hrafnhildur Ragnarsdóttir is a special education teacher in a college. She consults on material development and assists on ICI teacher training courses.



Helgi is a graphic designer and consults and helps out with the website and all publications and teaching materials.
